《符号江苏.口袋本.南京城墙》杨国庆 电子书
南京城墙建于公元14世纪中叶,是明太祖朱元璋定都南京之后为了保卫京师而建筑的重要防御工程,是中国筑城史上成熟时期重要的代表作,也是南京城市*代表性的历史文化符号。它设计思想独特、建造工艺精湛、规模恢弘雄壮,为我国古代城市军事防御系统工程、城垣建造技术集大成之作。 南京城墙已被列中国申报“世界文化遗产”备选项目——“中国·明清城墙”组合项目之一。 杨国庆编著的《南京城墙》从南京城墙的建造、价值与特、影响与故事、毁损与修缮、保护与利用等几个方面对南京城墙做了全方位的介绍。
The Construction of the City Walls of Nanjing
1. Beginning of the Construction Period
2. Large Scale Construction
3. The Builders
4. Building Materials and Transportation
Distinctive Features and Value of the Nanjing City Walls
1. Unusual Aspects of the Planning of the Capital City
2. City Gates of the capital
3. Brick Inscriptions and Brick Making Techniques
4. The Moat, Wall Structure, and Attached Buildings
Stories and Impact of the City Walls
1. Impact of the Nanjing City Walls
2. Stories of the Brick Inscriptions
3. Tales and Stories
4. Views of the Nanjing City walls from Celebrities Home and Abroad
Damage and Repair to the City Walls
1. The Ancient Battlefields along the Nanjing City Walls
2. Damage to the Walls by the Japanese invaders
3. The City Wall Gates Open to the World
4. The Conflict between Demolition and Preservation
Preservation and Utilization
1. Historical Reflection
2. Large Scale Repair and Restoration
3. Status Quo of the City Walls
作 者:杨国庆
出 版 社:江苏人民出版社
字 数:10.1万