
《中国历史人物(Ancient Chinese Who Left Their Marks on History)》张慈贇 电子书

中国历史人物(Ancient Chinese Who Left Their Marks on History)


《中国历史人物(Ancient Chinese Who Left Their Marks on History)》张慈贇 电子书插图1 《中国历史人物(Ancient Chinese Who Left Their Marks on History)》张慈贇 电子书插图2 《中国历史人物(Ancient Chinese Who Left Their Marks on History)》张慈贇 电子书插图3 《中国历史人物(Ancient Chinese Who Left Their Marks on History)》张慈贇 电子书插图4 《中国历史人物(Ancient Chinese Who Left Their Marks on History)》张慈贇 电子书插图5
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  了解一个国家,必先了解此国的人。在本书中,你将一览中国历史长河,认识曾在哲学、艺术、文学、宗教、科技和政治等领域留下深深烙印的88位重要人物。 To understand a country is to understand its people. In this book, we will take you on a tour through the long history of China to recall the life stories of 88 important figures who left their personal marks in philosophy, art and literature, religion, science and technology and political movements.【推荐语】“中国优秀传统文化传承系列”由上海译文出版社精心策划,获国家出版基金、上海出版资金资助出版,系列共含以下6册: Chinese Idioms and Their Stories《中国成语故事(英文版)》 Ancient Chinese Who Left Their Marks on History《中国历史人物(英文版)》 Gems of Chinese Classics《中国历史著述(英文版)》 Chinese Mythology & Thirty-Six Stratagems《中国成语故事与三十六计(英文版)》 Brush Away the Mystery of Traditional Chinese Painting《中国历代著名绘画作品鉴赏(英文版)》 The Stories of Ancient Chinese Architecture《中国古建筑及其故事(英文版)》 《中国历史人物(英文版)》以地道流畅的英语,深浅出地介绍了88位不同领域的历史人物,每则故事配以彩色插画,赏心悦目,图文并茂,是读者学习中国传统文化、讲好中国故事的生动材料。 本书彩色印刷,装帧精美,封面采用口环保艺术纸,运用了模切镂空工艺,正文采用105克东方雅韵艺术纸,裸脊彩线装订。

【作者】 张慈贇,国内资深英文媒体人,高级编辑,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。曾就读于美国斯坦福大学,获硕士学位。长期从事英文新闻工作,参与《中国日报》的创办,主持创办《上海日报》《北京周末报》《上海英文星报》,均任任总编辑。现为中国翻译协会常务理事。曾在国内外报刊上发表大量新闻报道、特写、评论和专栏文章。 Born in Shanghai in 1949, ZHANG Ciyun (Peter) is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Shanghai Daily, a leading regional English-language daily newspaper on the Chinese mainland. He is also a prolific translator and writer. Mr. Zhang graduated from Jilin Normal University in China, majoring in English language, and later from Stanford University in the United States with a master’s degree in journalism.  Starting from 1980, he had worked in several news agencies in China and helped bring into existence four English-language newspapers, including China Daily and Shanghai Daily.


Cover Page


Digital Lab简介

Table of Contents



老子 Lǎo Zǐ (circa 580-470 BC) A Legendary Philosopher

孔子 Confucius (551-479 BC) The Greatest Thinker

墨子 Mò Zǐ (468-376 BC) Pacifist Thinker and Inventor

孟子 Mencius (372-289 BC) Principal Interpreter of Confucianism

庄子 Zhuāng Zǐ (circa 369-286 BC) Freewheeling Taoist

荀子 Xún Zǐ (circa 313-238 BC) ‘All Humans are Born Evil’

韩非 Hán Fēi (circa 280-233 BC) Sage of ‘Rule by Fear’

王充 Wáng Chōng (27-circa 99 AD) An Iconoclastic Thinker

朱熹 Zhū Xǐ (1130-1200) Foremost Neo-Confucian Thinker

黄宗羲 Huáng Zōngxī (1610-1695) The Chinese Rousseau

王夫之 Wáng Fūzhī (1619-1692) Enlightenment Thinker

Poets & Writers

屈原 Qū Yuán (circa 340-278 BC) A Great Patriotic Poet

司马相如 Sīmǎ Xiàngrú (circa 179-118 BC) The Poet Who Eloped

司马迁 Sīmǎ Qiān (circa 145-90 BC) Historiography Father

曹植 Cáo Zhí (192-232 AD) The Poetical Prodigy

王勃 Wáng Bó (649-676 AD) Brief Life, Lasting Fame

陈子昂 Chén Zǐ’áng (661-702 AD) Tang Poetry’s Pioneer

李白 Lǐ Bái (701-762 AD) The ‘God of Poetry’

杜甫 Dù Fǔ (712-770 AD) Suffering Poetry Saint

苏轼 Sū Shì (1037-1101) A Rare, Versatile Scholar

李清照 Lǐ Qīngzhào (1084-1151) Ci’s Finest Female Poet

陆游 Lù Yóu (1125-1210) The Patriot of Poetry

辛弃疾 Xīn Qìjī (1140-1207) Lyric Poet and Patriot

关汉卿 Guān Hànqīng (1225-1302) China’s Own Shakespeare

施耐庵 Shī Nài’ān (1296-1370) Author Steeped in Mystery

吴承恩 Wú Chéng’ēn (circa 1501-1582) Man Behind Monkey King

曹雪芹 Cáo Xuěqín (circa 1715-1763 or 1764) The Author of a Great Classic


玄奘 Xuánzàng (circa 602-664 AD) A Great Buddhist Monk

惠能 Huìnéng (638-713 AD) Rustic Patriarch

Scientists & Craftsmen

鲁班 Lǔ Bān (circa 507-444 BC) Legendary Master Carpenter

孙武 Sūn Wǔ (circa 535-480 BC) Winning Ways of Ancient Strategist

扁鹊 Biǎn Què (circa 407-310 BC) The First Physician in China

蔡伦 Cài Lún (circa 61-121 AD) Paper Trail Leads to Eunuch Cai

张衡 Zhāng Héng (78-139 AD) Inventor of the Seismometer

张仲景 Zhāng Zhòngjǐng (circa 150-219 AD) Plague Prompts Doctor’s Work

华佗 Huà Tuó (circa 145-208 AD) A Pioneering Chinese Surgeon

祖冲之 Zǔ Chōngzhī (429-500 AD) An Early Chinese Star of Astronomy

贾思勰 Jiǎ Sīxié (end of 5th century-mid-6th century) Scribe of Guide to Farming

郦道元 Lì Dàoyuán (circa 470-527 AD) Water Writer Plumbs New Depths

孙思邈 Sūn Sīmiǎo (circa 581-682 AD) The ‘King of Medicine’

毕昇 Bì Shēng (970-1051) Inventor of the Movable Type Technology

沈括 Shěn Kuò (1031-1095) China’s Great Scientific Mind

黄道婆 Huáng Dàopó (circa 1245-1330) Granny’s Great Innovations

李时珍 Lǐ Shízhēn (1518-1593) Saint of Medicine and Scribe of Herbs

徐光启 Xú Guāngqǐ (1562-1633) City’s Son Introduces European Science

詹天佑 Zhān Tiānyòu (1861-1919) Father of China’s Railways

Painters & Calligraphers

王羲之 Wáng Xīzhī (303-361 AD) Sage of Chinese Calligraphy

顾恺之 Gù Kǎizhī (348-409 AD) Originator of Chinese Painting

吴道子 Wú Dàozǐ (680-759 AD) Painter’s Death a Tall Tale

郑燮 Zhèng Xiè (1693-1765) An Eccentric Painter

Influential Figures

管仲 Guǎn Zhòng (circa 720-645 BC) Leading Reformer

项羽 Xiàng Yǔ (232-202 BC) A Prideful, Tragic Hero

王昭君 Wáng Zhāojūn (circa 52-20 BC) A Beautiful Lady Helps Keep Peace

商鞅 Shāng Yāng (circa 390-338 BC) A Great Statesman and Political Reformer

陈胜 Chén Shèng (?-208 BC) Leader of First Peasant Rebellion

诸葛亮 Zhūgě Liàng (181-234 AD) A Godlike Prophet

关羽 Guān Yǔ (160-219 AD) Lord Guan Revered for His Bravery

魏征 Wèi Zhēng (580-643 AD) Candid Official Earns Great Respect

鉴真 Jiànzhēn (687-763 AD) Monk Spreads the Word in Japan

包拯 Bāo Zhěng (999-1062) Iconic Official Who’s Incorruptible

王安石 Wáng Ānshí (1021-1086) Statesman with a Gift for Writing

岳飞 Yuè Fēi (1103-1142) A Peerless General and National Hero

文天祥 Wén Tiānxiáng (1236-1283) Hero Stays Loyal to the Bitter End

郑和 Zhèng Hé (1371-1433) Did the Admiral Discover the New World?

海瑞 Hǎi Ruì (1514-1587) Moral Official Dares to Criticize Emperor

戚继光 Qī Jìguāng (1528-1588) ‘Tiger General’ Stops Japanese Pirates

徐霞客 Xú Xiákè (1586-1641) Intrepid Explorer Keeps a Meticulous Diary

郑成功 Zhèng Chénggōng (1624-1662) A National Hero Who Recaptures Taiwan

李自成 Lǐ Zìchéng (1606-1645) Shortsighted Military Genius

林则徐 Lín Zéxú (1785-1850) Patriotic Official Fights the Opium Trade

龚自珍 Gōng Zìzhēn (1792-1841) A Reform-minded Official and Poet

李鸿章 Lǐ Hóngzhāng (1823-1901) Powerful Official Invites Controversy

严复 Yán Fù (1854-1921) Educator Pushes for Modernization

康有为 Kāng Yǒuwéi (1858-1927) Reformer Tries to Change China

蔡元培 Cài Yuánpéi (1868-1940) Educator Supports Civil Rights Movement

陶行知 Táo Xíngzhī (1891-1946) A Great Educator and Reformer

Emperors & Empresses

黄帝 The Yellow Emperor (reign 2717 – 2599 BC) Father of This Great Civilization

大禹 Dà Yǔ (circa ?-2062 BC) Taming the Long and Wild Rivers of China

秦始皇 Qín Shǐ Huáng (259-210 BC) The ‘First Emperor’ of China

刘邦 Liú Bāng (256-195 BC) Founder of the Powerful Han Dynasty

汉武帝 Emperor Wu of Han (156-87 BC) Insatiable Ambition for Territorial Expansion

曹操 Cáo Cāo (155-220 AD) Speak of His Name and He Arrives

李世民 Lǐ Shìmín (599-649 AD) Creator of a Dynastic Golden Age

武则天 Wǔ Zétiān (624-705 AD) The Only Empress Regnant in China’s History

成吉思汗 Genhis Khan (1162-1227) Founder of the World’s Largest Empire

朱元璋 Zhū Yuánzhāng (1328-1398) From a Beggar to an Emperor

康熙 Emperor Kangxi (1654-1722) Longest Reign Brings Prosperity

慈禧太后 Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908) Mysterious ‘Queen without a Crown’


作    者:张慈贇

出 版 社:上海译文出版社


字    数:26.5万
