
《中国古建筑及其故事(Stories of Ancient Chinese Architecture)》张慈贇,陈洁 电子书

中国古建筑及其故事(Stories of Ancient Chinese Architecture)


《中国古建筑及其故事(Stories of Ancient Chinese Architecture)》张慈贇,陈洁 电子书插图1 《中国古建筑及其故事(Stories of Ancient Chinese Architecture)》张慈贇,陈洁 电子书插图2 《中国古建筑及其故事(Stories of Ancient Chinese Architecture)》张慈贇,陈洁 电子书插图3 《中国古建筑及其故事(Stories of Ancient Chinese Architecture)》张慈贇,陈洁 电子书插图4 《中国古建筑及其故事(Stories of Ancient Chinese Architecture)》张慈贇,陈洁 电子书插图5
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在7000年的历史长河中,中国劳动人民创造出独特的建筑结构、建筑技巧及建筑哲学,与西方建筑形成鲜明的对比。中国建筑之美无与伦比,而其精髓往往透过砖瓦,隐藏在历史故事之中。《中国古建筑及其故事》介绍了近50处中国历史建筑,其中包括“秦皇陵”“岳阳楼”“山西民居”等,为读者启了通往中国古代王朝的历史之门。 Ancient Chinese architecture is an integral part of the rich and time-honored Chinese culture and an important component of the world architectural system. It is most famous for the Great Wall, but there are so much more. In 7,000 years, Chinese people developed unique architectural philosophies, structures and techniques that are very different from their counterparts in other places of the world. While Chinese architectural beauty is a feast for the eyes, the soul of ancient Chinese construction usually lies in the historical stories behind the walls. In this book, the authors will guide you as you knock on the gate of this ancient kingdom.【推荐语】“中华优秀传统文化传承系列”由上海译文出版社精心策划,获国家出版基金、上海出版资金资助出版,系列共含以下6册: Chinese Idioms and Their Stories《中国成语故事(英文版)》 Ancient Chinese Who Left Their Marks on History《中国历史人物(英文版)》 Gems of Chinese Classics《中国历史著述(英文版)》 Chinese Mythology & Thirty-Six Stratagems《中国成语故事与三十六计(英文版)》 Brush Away the Mystery of Traditional Chinese Painting《中国历代著名绘画作品鉴赏(英文版)》 The Stories of Ancient Chinese Architecture《中国古建筑及其故事(英文版)》 《中国古建筑及其故事(英文版)》以地道流畅的英语,深浅出地介绍了45处中国古建筑,配以彩色插画,赏心悦目,图文并茂,是读者学习中国传统文化、讲好中国故事的生动材料。 本书彩色印刷,装帧精美,封面采用口环保艺术纸,运用了模切镂空工艺,正文采用105克东方雅韵艺术纸,裸脊彩线装订。

【作者】张慈贇,国内资深英文媒体人,高级编辑,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。曾就读于美国斯坦福大学,获硕士学位。长期从事英文新闻工作,参与《中国日报》的创办,主持创办《上海日报》《北京周末报》《上海英文星报》,均任任总编辑。现为中国翻译协会常务理事。曾在国内外报刊上发表大量新闻报道、特写、评论和专栏文章。 Born in Shanghai in 1949, ZHANG Ciyun (Peter) is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Shanghai Daily, a leading regional English-language daily newspaper on the Chinese mainland. He is also a prolific translator and writer. Mr. Zhang graduated from Jilin Normal University in China, majoring in English language, and later from Stanford University in the United States with a master’s degree in journalism.  Starting from 1980, he had worked in several news agencies in China and helped bring into existence four English-language newspapers, including China Daily and Shanghai Daily. 



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故宫 The Palace Museum

阿房宫 Epang Palace

布达拉宫 Potala Palace

大明宫 Daming Palace

皇家坛庙 Imperial Temples

颐和园 Summer Palace

圆明园 Old Summer Palace

华清池 Huaqing Pool

豫园 Yuyuan Garden

苏州林园 Classic Gardens of Suzhou

岭南园林 Lingnan Gardens

秦皇陵 Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang

乾陵 Qianling Mausoleum

十三陵 The Ming Tombs

长城 The Great Wall

西安城墙 The Xi’an City Wall

苏州城墙 The Suzhou City Wall

登封观星台 Dengfeng Observatory

岳阳楼 Yueyang Tower

白马寺 White Horse Temple

悬空寺 The Hanging Temple

五台山 Mount Wutai

大昭寺 The Jokhang Temple

应县木塔 The Sakyamuni Pagoda

大理三塔 Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple

莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes

化觉巷清真寺 The Great Mosque of Xi’an

苏公塔礼拜寺 Emin Minaret Mosque

永乐宫 The Palace of Eternal Joy

四合院 Beijing Courtyard House

皖南民居 Southern Anhui Village Residences

石库门 Stone-Framed-Gate House

窑洞 Cave House

山西民居 Shanxi Courtyard House

客家民居 Hakka Walled Village

干栏式房屋 Stilt House

骑楼 Arcade Building

开平碉楼 Kaiping Tower

梁桥 Beam Bridge

拱桥 Arch Bridge

悬索桥 Suspension Bridge

书院 Academy of Classic Learning

会馆 Guild Hall

曲阜孔庙 Temple of Confucius, Qufu

祠堂 Ancestral Temple


作    者:张慈贇,陈洁

出 版 社:上海译文出版社


字    数:18.8万
